Sunday, May 8, 2016

Chapter 22: Fire and Ice (Pat Benatar, 1981)

Ready for the volcano? Too bad, we're going anyway.

Check yourself! You need the lamp, guidebook, brick, matches, torch, wire and the egg (unless you already gave it to the Thief). Use the inventory command to see what you are carrying and then take accordingly.

>open trap door



The door crashes shut, and you hear someone barring it.


Troll Room


East-West Passage


Deep Ravine


Reservoir South


Stream View


Glacier Room

>throw torch

The torch hits the glacier and explodes into a great ball of flame, devouring the glacier. The water from the melting glacier rushes downstream, carrying the torch with it. In place of the glacier, there is a passageway leading west. The melting glacier seems to have carried the torch away, leaving you in the dark.

Well, so much for our infinite light source. It could have been worse. If you try to melt glacier with torch, a good portion of the ice melts, drowning you under a torrent of water. The trusty lamp is our friend.

>turn on lamp

The lamp is now on.


[Ruby Room] You are in a small chamber behind the remains of the great glacier. To the south and west are small passageways. On the floor lies a moby ruby.

How did those Dark Age programmers know that MobiRuby would replace Objective-C/C/Java on mobile platforms? Those guys were good!

>take ruby



[Lava Room] You are in a small room, whose walls are formed by an old lava flow. There are exits here to the west and the south.


[Volcano Base] You are at the bottom of a large dormant volcano. High above you light may be seen entering from the cone of the volcano. The only exit here is to the north. There is a very large and extremely heavy wicker basket with a cloth bag here. Inside the basket is a metal receptacle of some kind. Attached to the basket on the outside is a piece of wire.

The basket contains:
  A receptacle.
  A cloth bag.
  A braided wire.



Notice there are no instructions in the basket, unlike the boat or practically everything else in the game. In version 3.2B, a blue label (not attached to a bottle of Johnnie Walker) is in the basket. In version 2.6A, if you walk away from the basket and come back, or exit the game at this point and restore, the blue label is present. Remember, it's not a bug, it's a feature!

Here are the contents of the blue label, for your use. Ain't I sweet?

Hello, aviator!
Instructions for use:
   To get into the balloon, say "BOARD"
   To leave the balloon, say "DISEMBARK"
   To land, say "LAND"
   No warranty is expressed or implied. You're on your own, sport. Good luck!

A balloon! There appear to be no end to the capabilities of Frobozz Company! I wonder if they have a Pocket Fisherman…

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